Rugby Fan Raises, er, Drops Kilt to the World

Feb 15, 2010 at 12:23 am
click to enlarge Oh, sure, kilt guys always LOOK fun. But just wait. It's going to get ugly.
Oh, sure, kilt guys always LOOK fun. But just wait. It's going to get ugly.
As part of my continuing mission to bring you the best and most complete coverage of sports-related male nudity the world over, I, um, I, know what? That is probably the absolute worst mission statement in the history of anything. I really, really need to rethink that. I feel like I've wasted my life, man. 

Anyway, so a Scottish rugby fan dropped his kilt on live television. And now I'm going to tell you all about it. 

It happened on BBC Wales Today, a news program that airs in the evening. There was a segment previewing the night's Scotland/Wales rugby match, and part of it was shot live on location from a local pub. 

Needless to say, the shooting of a live remote in a pub before a sport known to inspire heroic feats of drunkenness may not have been the best idea. As the camera panned the room, showing the various pub patrons, one particularly enthusiastic fan decided to show his passion for the game in a somewhat, shall we say, unorthodox fashion. 

He unwrapped his kilt, dropped it to the floor, lifted his shirt, and proudly pumped his fist in the air, cheering on his team and, one would imagine, his wang. 

Here's the full video; the NSFW warnings certainly apply.