We've all seen that movie, the one with Dennis Quaid, and he used to be a big prospect pitcher, but he blew out his arm, right? And then he goes to big league camp one year, after he's been coaching little league for like ten years, and all of a sudden he can throw like a hundred miles an hour? Yeah, that's the one. That movie sucked. Big time.
Sure, he's 49 years old. Sure, he hasn't thrown a pitch in the majors in eighteen years. Doesn't matter to Oil Can.
Oil Can (real name Dennis Boyd), just wants to prove to some team that he's still got the stuff to be successful in the big leagues.
"I have nothing to lose, and all a big league team has to lose is fifteen minutes. Give me fifteen minutes, and I'll prove I can still pitch."
He says his arm feels great; better, in fact, than it has in years. He claims he's throwing in the low 90s. He says his changeup has come back to him. In short, Oil Can Boyd is telling everyone who'll listen that he's a viable pitcher, right now.
So hey, there is some precedent. Now, I'm not sure that Oil Can Boyd is Satchel Paige, but I'd sure like to see if he is.
So how about it, Mo? I say we bring the guy in for a tryout. Hell, I'll give you 2-1 odds that he could be better than Joel Pineiro right now, with no spring training. Okay, so that's not really fair; Dave McKay misses more bats during batting practice than what El Pinata does. Still, the point stands. I can't imagine it would take more than a few minutes to see if there's anything left in the tank.