Webster University Dean Apparently Mistakes One Gutenberg for Another

Sep 3, 2009 at 9:50 am
click to enlarge Jack Dorsey
Jack Dorsey
If you haven't heard yet, Webster University is honoring Twitter co-founder (and St. Louis native) Jack Dorsey this month as its "Success to Significance 2009 Person of the Year." 

Dorsey -- now of San Francisco and New York -- will be in town September 18 to accept the award and hold a "Tweet Up" to discuss the technology he created. 

In announcing Dorsey's award and visit, Webster's dean of the School of Business and Technology, Dr. Benjamin Akande, stated: 
Steve Guttenberg
Steve Guttenberg
​"If I were to micro-blog Jacks impact on business and society in 140 characters or less, I'd tweet: Jack Dorsey's Twitter is to our generation what Gutenberg's printing press and Bell's telephone were to theirs." 

Uhm, Dr. Akande, have you ever followed Dorsey's tweets? (Exhibit A, B, .) 

You sure you meant Johannes Gutenberg and not Police Academy star Steve Guttenberg

Now that might be a more apt comparison.