Glazier, L & W Construction
"Gewinner's Market in Dogtown. Used to do the big swoop at Schnucks but haven't set foot in there lately out of respect for the strikers. I was raised that way; my family is union. But there's two sides to the story, because the grocers' union offers full healthcare and $17 an hour with full healthcare -- that ain't a bad gig, man. You want to make $20 an hour, then give up some of your healthcare and pay for that. You can't have it both ways."
Twanna Washington
Pharmacy Technician
"Walgreens mostly, for things like milk, eggs, bread and cereal. I get my meats at Saul's Market. But only Schnucks sells the ProSobee infant milk by the case. I don't like crossing the picket line, but I have to do what I have to do when it comes to my child."
Mike McCullough
Bartender, The Famous Bar
"Sappington Farmers Market and LeGrand Tomboy. It's not that I object to crossing the picket line; it's that they inconvenienced me so I'm not giving them any money. Shouldn't have been a strike to begin with...[it's] pretty trivial considering the wages and benefits they already get. So I don't feel for the strikers and I don't feel for the Big Three. Oh, more than likely I'll go back to them after the strike is over, but not on a regular basis."
Laura Miller
Barista, Crooked Tree Coffee House -- St. Charles
"Aldi, Sav-A-Lot and Wal-Mart. I will not cross that picket line. I had a friend who was hired as a scab worker and I gave her so much hell about it that she ended up quitting."
Mike Pennypacker
Workshop Leader, Puffinstuff Hand Shadow Theater
"Still going to Schnucks or Dierbergs as usual. The lockout hasn't affected me at all. See, I'm a caveman. Just like everybody else, I've gotta eat, gotta have my steak, and if I need to cross by someone holding a sign, that's just fine with me. I feel for them, but I feel for my stomach even more."
Laura Zoellner
"I've been to Target and the butcher shop and twice now to Schnucks. We held out for two and a half weeks, but it's getting down to the wire now and those other places don't have everything we need. I just hope [the strike] is over soon. Everybody in my family's been guilting themselves out any time they have to cross the line and we're all just kind of done with it, you know."