What Annoys You About Your Co-Workers?

Week of November 28, 2001

Nov 28, 2001 at 4:00 am
Chris Rubin de la Borbolla
Web Director, Rose Design

"My brother's always on the phone at work, calling friends and talking so loud everyone can hear, and my other co-worker is usually belching or farting or both. It kind of clouds the workplace. It's a wonder I get anything done."

Latonya Barber
Café Supervisor, Border's Books & Music
"Whenever there's a catastrophe, like sparks flying out of the espresso machine, that's the time that everybody decides they want to go to lunch or to the restroom."

Lt. Jack Wheeler
Pilot, U.S. Navy

"I write the schedule for the missions we fly and our on-call reserves -- commercial-airline pilots in daily life. They're very choosy. If we have a mission to Hawaii or Florida, a good party scene, they'll jump on that, or, if it's going to a tax-free zone like Bosnia, they're all over it. But if it's flying out to some mundane place like Norfolk and coming back that same day, they'll balk."

Denise Seiber
Floor-Walker, Johnnie Brock's

"PPs, personal problems. They bring them to work: family, kids, dating, divorce, debt, bills, bunions. You can go right down the line. Leave your PPs at home. I don't have time to hear about them."

Clay Early
Pipefitter, Local 562

"Brown-nosers, guys that kiss the boss' ass. You're good at what you do, you don't have to kiss ass."

Gina Kleindienst
Server, Courtesy Diner

"She's always saying how cute she is. It's always her, all about her. And she whines too much about little things not being done -- the plasticware not being filled, stuff like that. She's always late, too, and you know what? Half the time, she don't brush her teeth in the morning."