Administrative Assistant, Bank of America
"Get a Blues/Stanley Cup tattoo."
Dominic Bolt
Busboy, Brandt's Market & Café
"I'd jump. I'd freak. I'd pee my pants."
Robyn Jost
Chef/Cook, Kilkenny's Pub
"I'd paint myself blue like a Smurf and run naked down Market Street."
Matthew Zavac
"I'd be ecstatic! I'd get a couple of my closest friends and a cherry picker and, in the dead of night, I'd replace the sword in the statue of St. Louis in Forest Park with a hockey stick."
Roderick Young
Clerk, U.S. Postal Service
"That'd be awesome! First, I'd be happy for St. Louis. Then I'd hang out with some of my hoosier friends and drink some beer -- 'cause my ghetto friends don't do that."
Arleen French
Pet-Food Sales
"I would take it as a sign to find a man named Stanley. I've been trying to take home Stanley for a while.