What's the Grossest Smell You've Ever Smelled?

Week of August 11, 2004

Aug 11, 2004 at 4:00 am
Robert Wallace
Lube Tech, Boss's Express Lube
"It would have to be the air in Korea -- the Seoul area. Their plumbing system is different from ours here in the States. We have gooseneck pipes; they use straight pipes, so the smell from the feces and the garbage sort of regurgitates back up and it's horrible! Makes you appreciate fresh air. In California you smell the smog. Here, on a good day, you can smell the beer, and in Seoul, Korea, you plug your nose."

Mariah Webster
Student, Webster University
"One time my boyfriend goes, 'Hey Mariah, look at this!' and he bends over in my face and cuts a big one. It was the grossest and rudest thing I've ever smelled in my life...and I slapped him."

Steve Stoll
State Senator
"I must've been ten years old -- I remember walking through the fish market in New Orleans, and the place smelled so bad my mom would give me a Kleenex to put over my face, and I can remember it being scented. It was a major fish market and you could smell it from the street, but once you went inside: pretty powerful. That smell lingers with me to this day."

Anselm Lauer, a.k.a. Herman the German
Owner/Mechanic, McClaren Motors
"The grossest thing [laughs heartily] I ever smelled was in Haan, Germany, after we came home from dinner. My [now ex-wife] had French onion soup, and the next morning the stink under the blanket was so enormous that my father-in-law knocked on the door and told us to open the window!"

Kelly Schmidt
Cocktail Waitress, Ozzie Smith's Restaurant & Sports Bar
"Rotten chicken: old uncooked chicken that's just sitting in the trash, rotting and putrefying. Rotten eggs are just as bad. Which came first? The rotting chicken or the rotting eggs? Either way, you lose."

Johann "Hansi" Hommel
Partner, Baseline Workshop
"If you have 50 people in a bar, and you ask them who was the shortstop for the Cardinals in 1995, they know the answer, ja? But if you ask them, 'Who is the secretary of state?' I think only 10 percent can answer. That stinks, because it's important to know who runs the country. There's a saying in Austria: 'Give them bread and games, they're happy, and at the end of the day, keep them down.' Only here it's McDonald's and baseball."