Which Qualities of George W. Bush or Al Gore Would You Like to See in Your Children?

Apr 5, 2000 at 4:00 am
Julie Lacy
Waitress, Houlihan's

"Definitely nothing from Al Gore -- he's a dork! It would have to be something from George W. Bush -- most likely his tenacity; he just doesn't give up. Plus, he's from Texas. I'm from Texas. A lot of good things come from Texas."

Ted West
Owner/Roustabout, Soulard Coffee Garden

"The characteristic of George W. Bush that I would wish on my son is that he would be independently wealthy and have friends who would buy him out of any trouble."

Bob Lawlor
Proprietor, Kilabrew's Bar & Grill

"I think George W. is a stand-up guy. I think he says what he believes and doesn't mince words in his public addresses. He doesn't ride the fence on issues -- he's either on it or off it. So yeah, I'd like to see those qualities in my daughter -- straightforwardness, candor and integrity."

Rich Balducci
Publisher, Snicker magazine

"Sure -- I'd like my children to have the lyin'-motherfucker genes from the both of them."

Rochelle Dotson
Secretary, St. Louis Police Department

"Nothing from Bush, nothing at all! As for Gore, it would be his leadership ability and speaking his mind. He at least does that."

Mike Fredholm
Ceramic Engineer

"Well, they both clean up really well, but that's got nothing to do with good values, which is what you want your kids to have. It's hard for me to get a feel who either of them really are -- and I wouldn't want that in my children. It goes to what I liked about Bill Bradley. He's not all spit and shine -- he looks a bit ruffled, a regular guy who spoke from his heart."