Here's the scoop on how to get time off of work to vote in Missouri.
Q: Does my employer have to let me off work to vote?
Yes, under Section 115.639 of Missouri Revised Statutes -- granted you're eligible.
Q: Eligible? How do I know if I'm eligible?
First, you have to be an eligible, registered voter. Duh.
Q: Okay, check. What else?
Next comes the question of timing. The polls are open from 6 am to 7 pm.
Within that window, if there's a three-hour period when you're not
actually scheduled to be working, then this law doesn't apply to you.
Q: Let's say it does apply to me. Now what?
need to make a request, at the latest, the day before the election
(meaning today). You can't make your request on election day itself.
Also, your employer has the right to tell you exactly what three-hour
period you can use to duck out and cast your ballot.
Q: How much time will I get?
Three consecutive hours.
Q: If I get off work for voting, but don't actually vote, no one will ever know, right?
Wrong. It's public record whether or not you voted. However, whether your boss checks is a question only you can answer.
Q: I really enjoyed this fake conversation.
So did we. We're going to eat an apple now.