Does It Bother You That We're on Color-Coded Alerts?

Week of February 26, 2003

Lisa West
IT Specialist
"Certainly not. How else would I know how concerned to be about my personal safety in regard to a possible terrorist attack? I like orange alert because we all need to be on guard but we're not in imminent danger. I suppose if you don't listen to the news or read the paper, you wouldn't know what to do. You'd be living in blissful ignorance."

Bob Reel
Renegade Accountant
"It bothers me that it had to be color-coded, because I'm colorblind. See, I imagine this scenario where we're under attack and there are flashes of color everywhere. It's serious this time, and all I've got to go on is some color that I can't grasp -- so basically, I'm screwed."

Sally Hill
Manager, Euclid Plaza Building
"I think it's ridiculous, because they really don't explain what these alerts are, exactly. I have no trepidation when I hear it's an orange alert or any alert -- I just don't get it. I'm already on alert, because when 9/11 actually happened, you know, that sent off a red alert to me. I think everybody needs to be cautious and aware of their surroundings and, um, just ... be good."

Rabbi Mike Rovinsky
Community Mohel/Educator
"On a philosophical level, it bothers me that the world is in a state where just because people don't agree, they go around killing each other -- that's very troubling. But on a practical level, will an orange alert cause me to conduct my life any different than a green alert? Absolutely not, because if we start to be afraid and not do things that we would normally do, then the terrorists have won."

Tom Dykas
Pottery Tech, Krueger Pottery
"It doesn't bother me that much. It's kind of like having the air-quality warnings: Orange air-quality level. Orange terrorist-quality level. It's just part of everyday life now. I don't think people are really going to do much to change their behavior."

Jennifer Ralston
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
"I'm waiting for the lavender code so all gay people can get legally married.