Pot-Bellied Pig Killed by Cop in Fairview Heights After Month-Long Pursuit

A pot-bellied pig like this was finally shot in Fairview Heights on Sunday - Image via
A pot-bellied pig like this was finally shot in Fairview Heights on Sunday
The month-long hamhunt is over: On Sunday morning, the cops in Fairview Heights, Illinois finally killed a stray pot-bellied pig that had been on the loose.

Officer Mike Wilson tells Daily RFT that the 50-pound black swine had been "rooting through people's yards," though it never charged anyone as boars sometimes do.

Wilson said he'd heard it had been someone's pet.

At one point during the weeks the hunt was on, Wilson says he himself spotted it from about 100 feet away, but couldn't catch it.

"He could run very fast," Wilson says.

According to the Belleville News-Democrat, the pig met its demise Sunday morning around 9 am after being shot by an officer near a church on Frank Scott Parkway East.

The police had contacted animal control about tranquilizing the pig, but they reportedly didn't have the necessary tools to get rid of it that way.