Local Media: St. Louis Could Burst into Flame Today

You have angered the sun, St. Louis.
You have angered the sun, St. Louis.
Uh, have you heard? It's going to be hot today. How hot?

Well, as the Post-Dispatch fronts on Page 1 (and news station follows in their "top story" slot) the thermometer is expected to reach 100 today with a heat index of approximately 400 -- Kelvin.
So, what to do? Stay indoors or you'll shrivel like a slug under a magnifying glass! That's right, go outside for a split-second and you'll end up like those charcoaled corpses unearthed in Pompeii!

Seriously, though. Waddya bet the temperature doesn't reach the century mark today? I'm placing my wager at a solid 98 degrees -- tops.

Yes, it's hot. But get over it, and while you're at it, get out to vote vote (hopefully against Prop. C). The polls, btw, have air-conditioning.