Kevin Cronin of REO Speedwagon: "My 'do was more of a 'mull-fro'...equal parts mullet and Afro"

The American Mustache Insitute has done it again: They just posted an interview with REO Speedwagon singer Kevin Cronin. The discussion involves REO's new video game, vinyl pants, today's music industry and...rollin' with the changes. Excerpt below. Oh, and don't forget -- the band has a Christmas album out this season too!

Q: I'm a longtime fan and I really miss the old school rock mullet you used to sport. What the hell? A: Strictly speaking, my 'do was more of a "mull-fro"...equal parts mullet and Afro, but thanks.

Q: When you had that hair, did you and Billy Squier ever exchange notes on hair care? A: No, but Richard Marx learned a thing or two from me. Later I would trade in the "mull-fro" for more of an Art Alexakis (of the band Everclear) look...and Art tortures me with this fact regularly.

Q: Despite being bare-lipped, would you say you support the Mustached American way of life? A: Actually, I strongly disapprove of mustaches...two words: "food particles". I am Irish. Facial hair is not one of my people's strong points.

Q: You do know it improves guitar play and melodies by 38 and 49 percent respectively, yes? A: That would explain David Crosby's perfect pitch.