Summer in St. Louis: Have an Adventure

May 22, 2019 at 5:00 am
Summer in St. Louis: Have an Adventure

Page 14 of 45

You choose to catch a ride on the Loop Trolley.

Aaaaannnd, you wait. And wait some more. The seasons change, then change again, and again and again. The skin on your bones loosens as the years drag on and your life passes you by, and still you wait.

Did an accident prevent the hapless choo choo's arrival? Did it break down again? Maybe a cyclist hit the tracks and went ass-over-tea-kettle into the old-timey windshield? Is it possible that the Hand of the Almighty reached down from the clouds and crushed the trolley into dust? The reason doesn't matter; the result is the same: You wait for the rest of your natural life, hopelessly untrolleyed, until death grants you sweet relief.

Better luck next time. Try again by restarting on page 1.

Summer in St. Louis: Have an Adventure