Does a Major Plane Crash Discourage You from Air Travel?

Published the week of September 20-26, 2000

Sep 20, 2000 at 4:00 am
Vicki Santistevan
Owner/CMT, Body Connection, O'Fallon, Ill.

"No -- do you know how many car accidents I've had? I've been hit by a train moving at 90 mph. I'm still driving cars and taking trains. I'd probably trust the pilot before I'd trust my driving."

Mark Baxter
Waiter, Zia's

"Absolutely not! I grew up in Hawaii, and I've flown my whole life. I love air travel. I feel more paranoid walking across a street or driving a car than sitting on a commercial flight. Now, John Denver and JFK Jr. have discouraged me from flying with private pilots. I wouldn't buy a ticket on their airline."

George Schelling
Film Collector

"No, because unless someone could show me that it was not a random incident, it would have no effect on how I go about conducting my business. If you have some damn good reason to be afraid, then pay attention and act accordingly, but if the problem is just being fearful of what could happen to you, then I think that would put a crimp in your life. I think, for the average person, there's some fear involved, but dealing with that is just a matter of stepping back and adjusting your focus."

Lori Layne
Freelance Artist

"I suppose not. Hesitate, yes. Discourage, no. I had to fly to California right after the (TWA Flight) 800 crash. It was Friday the 13th, too. Getting on the plane was OK; taking off was fairly nerve-racking. You just have to keep remembering the odds are with you. And on that flight the odds were even better, since a major crash had just happened and probably wouldn't happen again for some time. Sad to say, but true."

Graham Scott

"Depends on the proximity to my next flight. If there's a crash just before I have a flight, I read my horoscope a lot more. I'm a vertigo man, you see. I usually don't ask for the window seat. I'm terrified, especially on domestic flights. I just can't cope with 35,000 feet between me and the earth. I look at the people on the plane and see they're fooled into believing technology is safe. My personal feeling is that, statistics aside, I'm more aware of the risks involved than they are."