Brand Building in the Digital Age: Navigating the Online Landscape

Feb 7, 2024 at 8:50 am

Building a recognizable brand is a prerequisite to stand out and achieve success in today’s competitive online business landscape. Creating a brand identity that deeply resonates with your target audience is a highly effective means of setting your company apart, but doing so requires a nuanced understanding of digital business best practices.

Bill Schrader, who paved the way for widespread Internet use in America, once said, “Almost overnight, the Internet’s gone from a technical wonder to a business must.”

Seizing the opportunities provided by the online landscape is clearly important — and easier said than done. Factors such as industry, business size, financial resources, and platform all determine the most impactful strategy for your specific business. Not sure where to start? In this article, business experts provide their insights into strategies for building your brand amid a crowded marketplace.

1. Invest in Cybersecurity

One of the most important steps in building out your business’s online presence is prioritizing your cybersecurity. Cybersecurity measures safeguard sensitive information — both yours and your customers — and prevent bad actors from taking advantage of your platform.

“Whether you’ve been online for a long time or are just now revving up your digital sales, it’s always worth taking a closer look at how robust your cybersecurity is,” recommends Justin Soleimani, Co-Founder of Tumble. “Scammers and con artists won’t hesitate to strike at businesses big or small if they aren’t adequately protected.”

Implement secure payment gateways, regularly update software, and educate your team on cybersecurity best practices to mitigate potential risks.

2. Take Advantage of E-Commerce Opportunities

If applicable, consider incorporating e-commerce solutions. E-commerce allows companies to transcend geographical constraints and create a seamless and personalized shopping experience, fostering a direct connection with customers.

“Elements of branding, such as an appealing website and secure online transactions, can dramatically improve a brand’s rep and credibility in the minds of consumers,” says Rayla Rappaport, CPA of Finaloop, a company known for their ecommerce accounting software. “E-commerce serves the dual function of facilitating sales and building your brand simultaneously.”

Furthermore, e-commerce facilitates data collection and analysis, allowing businesses to understand customer preferences and behaviors, thus enabling strategic marketing efforts. Facilitate online transactions and be sure to provide a secure, user-friendly shopping experience for your customers to significantly expand your market reach.

3. Optimize for Search Engines

Invest in search engine optimization (SEO) to enhance your website's visibility on search engine results pages. If you conduct keyword research, optimize content, and ensure your website is technically sound, you can improve its ranking and attract organic traffic.

“Effective SEO optimization plays a pivotal role in shaping and strengthening a brand's online presence,” shares Dominique Zimmermann, CEO and Head Designer of Bombshell Sportswear, a company known for their comfortable scrunch butt leggings. “When a brand appears at the top of search results, it builds credibility and trust among users, positioning itself as an authority in its industry.”

As users encounter and engage with the brand more frequently through search, SEO becomes a powerful tool for shaping a brand's digital narrative, establishing authority, and ultimately contributing to a strong and recognizable brand identity.

4. Letting Your Values Lead the Way

At the core of a strong brand identity are clearly defined core values. Before creating assets for your brand’s website and social media platforms, clearly define your mission and values – then let those lead the way in choosing the specifics of your brand.

“Core values are a compass for decision-making within business leadership,” notes Jonathan Zacharias, Founder of GR0. “Every decision you make and every impression you make on potential customers is more cohesive when they’re driven by underlying principles.”

These values guide decision-making and foster trust with essential stakeholders, including customers, investors, suppliers, and employees.

5. Creating a Lasting Visual Impression

In the saturated online marketplace, establishing a distinctive visual identity is essential for brand recognition. Develop a unique visual identity to make your brand stand out amidst the online competition.

Andrew Chen, Chief Product Officer of CommentSold, a company that specializes in Shopify live selling, explains how to make your brand pop among the competition: "Successful brands almost always have memorable logos. Strong colorways, sensible partnerships, and creative ad campaigns can also create the sort of positive mental picture you want customers to associate with your business.”

Visual identity is one of the foremost elements that customers associate with a business, and consistency in visual elements across various platforms enhances recognition, providing instant brand identification. Consider hiring a professional designer for a polished and cohesive visual identity. Alternatively, leverage digital tools and resources for a cost-effective approach to developing your brand's visual identity.

6. Tell a Story

Establishing a connection with consumers involves more than just visuals; it requires a compelling brand story that fits into a broader narrative. Develop a brand narrative that effectively communicates your journey and aligns with your core values for a more impactful brand identity.

“People remember stories over facts or features,” says Maegan Griffin, Founder, CEO and nurse practitioner at Skin Pharm “Whatever you’re doing with your brand online, it has to be undergirded by a narrative, or it becomes too forgettable. Tell the customer a story about your business.”

Memorability contributes to word-of-mouth marketing and results in higher customer acquisition rates. Share stories that evoke emotions and resonate with your audience, who will then be more likely to make repeat purchases and come back over and over.

7. Embrace Social Media

Social media platforms can be key marketplaces for your business. Choose social media platforms wisely based on your target audience, and develop a robust and engaging strategy that underpins your social media presence.

“Consistent content is key,” advises Cody Candee, Founder and CEO of Bounce. “The internet is like a third space that has replaced the need for traditional advertising. This can be a huge boon to businesses if you embrace it and play it smartly.

Your social media presence should connect with your audience, share valuable content, and build a community around your brand. Then, your online community will do marketing and word-of-mouth advertising for you.

8. Invest in Content Marketing

Content is key in the online landscape. Rather than just pumping out a huge volume of content, develop a content marketing strategy that aligns with your brand and provides value to your audience.

“A lot of brands get content marketing wrong,” explains Lindsay Swaik, VP of Digital at 2XU, a company known for their line of mens compression pants. “Quantity over quality is absolutely not the way to go here. Online consumers are smart. They want to be engaged and surprised by what they see, and that takes time and effort to develop.”

Regularly publish high-quality content, such as blog posts, videos, or infographics, to establish your expertise and attract a loyal following. Remember this content needs to support and align with your overall brand priorities and values.

9. Use Data Analytics

Regularly analyze website and social media analytics to gain insights into user behavior and preferences. Most website hosting software and social media platforms have built-in analytics tools with a short learning curve.

“Data analytics allow for fine-tuning of your online strategy,” advises Bridget Reed, VP of Content of The Word Counter, a company known for their random word generator. “What’s working? What time of day gets the highest engagement? What type of content doesn’t do well? Analytics can answer these questions and more.”

Use this data to refine your online strategies, adapt to changing trends, and optimize your digital presence for continuous improvement. Data will tell you which strategies are resonating with customers and which aren’t working, which can reduce unnecessary time and labor costs.

10. Prioritize Mobile Compatibility

Given the prevalence of mobile device usage, ensure your online presence is mobile-friendly. Optimize your website for mobile devices to provide a seamless experience for users accessing your content on smartphones and tablets.

“Even if you have a brick and mortar storefront, having a strong online presence optimized for mobile shopping is absolutely essential,” advises Logan Shooster, VP of Strategic Growth at Answering Service Care, an award-winning answering service company. “More and more consumers are relying on their phones to get shopping done, whether it be across platforms like Instagram or on commerce websites.”

A smooth online shopping experience transfers over onto your brand image. When customers can easily and enjoyably shop with you, they associate your brand with credibility, convenience, and enjoyment.

Embrace the Digital Landscape

The digital world is a powerful tool for branding, but it can also sink a business if not properly utilized. Strategic navigation of the online world can boost your brand’s visibility and cultivate a vibrant and dynamic brand identity.

John Chambers, former CEO of Cisco, said, “At least 40% of all businesses will die in the next ten years if they don’t figure out how to change their entire brand identity to accommodate new technologies.”

By adopting online tools and strategies such as SEO optimization, data analytics, strong cybersecurity, and more, you can ensure your business continues to thrive rather than being left behind in the digital age.