
When was the last time you really thought about how great it is to have indoor plumbing? Our toilets, showers and sinks wait dutifully for a moment when we need them, and then function perfectly in response to a simple touch 99% of the time. It's a splendid thing, and we don't truly appreciate it until a pipe bursts or we're stuck in the woods. Tonight at 8 p.m. Stray Dog Theatre presents its opening night of Urinetown, a musical set in a dreary city where private toilets are illegal. The public bathrooms are overcrowded and those who oversee them are corrupt, leaving the residents in a pitiful situation that makes Rand Paul's complaints about high efficiency toilets seem pretty whiny. In the midst of the chaos and corruption, a hero appears, organizing an uprising to free good citizens from their commode-related woes. The show runs Thursdays to Saturday through Saturday, February 18, and there will be an additional 2 p.m. showing on the final date. Tickets are $18 to $20.
Thursdays-Saturdays. Starts: Feb. 2. Continues through Feb. 18, 2012