Review Preview: Shula's 347 Grill

Aug 23, 2011 at 9:00 am
click to enlarge Review Preview: Shula's 347 Grill
Jennifer Silverberg
This week I visit Shula's 347 Grill (411 North Eighth Street; 314-241-7267), part of the restaurant portfolio of former NFL head coach Don Shula.
Though Shula's 347 Grill isn't a steakhouse, it does feature Shula's steaks -- or, rather, the Shula Cut®. What is the Shula Cut®? The Shula Cut® is Black Angus beef raised in a manner that, quoting the Shula's website, "is more discriminating or selective than USDA prime or choice." A heady claim, to be sure. At Shula's 347, you can order a Shula Cut® filet mignon, strip steak or "Cowboy" steak (a rib eye, essentially). There is also the steak "Diane," which is named for Shula's wife and brings two six-ounce filet mignons with a special sauce.
Visit the RFT® restaurant page late this afternoon or check back here tomorrow morning to see what I think.