How to Get Cases in CS:GO

Mar 28, 2024 at 3:29 pm

CS:GO cases are virtual boxes in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive that players can open to receive random in-game items, such as skins for weapons. These cases are a big part of the game's appeal and its vibrant economy.

Each case requires a specific key to unlock, which players must buy either directly from the game's interface or the Steam Community Market. The excitement comes from the chance of getting rare skins that can significantly enhance a player’s inventory.

Prices for these cases vary widely on the Steam Community Market, reflecting their demand and rarity. For instance, while some like the Snakebite Case might cost only £0.28, others such as the CS:GO Weapon Case can go as high as £79.80 due to their sought-after contents and limited availability.

How to Acquire CS:GO Cases

Acquiring CS:GO cases involves obtaining post-game drops, completing operation missions, or purchasing them from the Steam Community Market. You can increase your collection by actively participating in the game and being involved in the community.

Post-game drops

After you finish playing a match in Counter Strike: Global Offensive, keep an eye out for post-game drops. These can include CS:GO cases like the sought-after Dreams & Nightmares case or the Kilowatt case.

It’s important to note that getting a drop is not guaranteed after every game. The chances are random, and what you receive may vary greatly in value.

Players often look forward to these moments since post-game drops serve as one of the primary methods to acquire new cases without spending any money. While the value of items received can be unpredictable, securing a valuable case from a drop adds an exciting element of surprise to your gaming experience.

Operation missions

Moving from the chance elements of post-game drops, players can directly earn cases through Operation missions in CS:GO. These special tasks provide a clear pathway to obtaining desired cases by completing specific challenges laid out in Operations.

By purchasing an Operation Pass, gamers gain access to these exclusive missions that not only offer rewards like cases but also enhance the overall gaming experience with additional content.

Operation missions are integral for those who actively seek to expand their case collection within the game. Players engage in various tasks, ranging from straightforward objectives to more complex challenges, all designed with rewarding outcomes including coveted cases.

This method stands out as a proactive approach to acquiring cases, setting it apart from the random nature of post-game drops and making it a valuable option for dedicated players of CS:GO.

Buying from the Steam Community Market

Buying from the Steam Community Market offers a straightforward way to acquire CS:GO cases. This platform allows players to choose from every available case, ensuring they can select precisely what they want.

It serves as a direct marketplace managed by Valve Corporation, providing a secure and reliable method to purchase these virtual items.

To open any case bought from the market, players need a specific key. Each key costs $2.49 and is available directly through Steam’s purchasing system. Despite the ease of acquiring both cases and keys from this source, it's important for buyers to understand that opening cases typically results in losing 60-70% of their investment when considering both the case price and the cost of keys.

Key Insights on Opening CS:GO Cases

Understanding the costs associated with CS:GO case keys is crucial for players looking to open cases. Prices are set at $2.50 each in-game, but this can vary significantly on the Steam Community Market due to supply and demand. The table below summarizes the key details regarding case key costs.

Key Type Source Cost
Common Case Keys In-game $2.50
Rare/Special Case Keys Steam Community Market Varies (Few cents to several dollars)

Case keys can be more affordable or quite expensive based on their rarity. Factors such as the potential contents of the case and the demand for those items influence prices. Players should always buy keys in-game to avoid overpaying. This approach helps players manage their spending more effectively in CS:GO.

Case odds

Understanding the probability of what you can obtain from CS:GO cases is crucial for setting expectations. 

Item Rarity Odds
Mil-Spec (Blue) 79.92%
Restricted (Purple) 15.98%
Classified (Pink) 3.2%
Covert (Red) 0.64%
Rare Special Item (Gold) 0.26%

This table illustrates the challenging odds players face when opening CS:GO cases. The likelihood of uncovering a Rare Special Item, such as a knife, stands at a mere 0.26% chance. Most players will find items in the Mil-Spec category, which have a significantly higher drop rate compared to other rarities. Keep these odds in mind to manage your expectations and make informed decisions while opening cases.

Potential contents of CS:GO cases

CS:GO cases contain a variety of potential contents, including weapon skins, knives, gloves, and other cosmetic items. Each case has its own set of possible contents with differing levels of rarity and value.

The potential contents can vary depending on the specific case being opened; some cases may contain rarer and more valuable items than others.


Acquiring cases in CSGO involves regular rewards, marketplace purchases, and special event challenges. These approaches provide a variety of opportunities to obtain exclusive cases and skins.

Opening CSGO cases requires purchasing specific keys from the Steam Community Market at varying prices. The process is simple - launching CSGO, accessing inventory, selecting the case, and unlocking it with the purchased key.

Knives have an exceedingly rare chance of being obtained but can hold significant value for collectors. Overall, while opening cases may not be financially profitable, it offers an exciting element of surprise and possibility within the game.

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