Pinback, "Good to Sea" Video Spoof

Jan 14, 2008 at 5:36 pm

A friend just passed this along. Pinback's Autumn of the Seraphs was one of my favorite albums of last year, and this spoof totally sanctioned, band-approved spoof video for "Good to Sea" absolutely made my day. Let's list the video cliches mocked in this clip, shall we?

1. Bad lip-synching. 2. Overhead shot of band 3. Close-up of chord progressions, exaggeratedly acted out for camera 4. Cheesy synchronized dancing 5. Cheesy dance moves, i.e. the cabbage-patch, the "Walk Like an Egyptian" 6. Random shots of nature meant to foment reflection and Deep Thoughts

And for now, 7. Massive Broverdoses(tm) -- a term coined by Brooke Foster to describe an abundance of bro'ing down behaviors and male bonding (including, but not limited to, high-fives, sensitive moments, shoulder-hugs, etc.)