Brian Nieves' Facebook Rant On States' Rights: Governor Is "B____ Slapping" Constitution

Jul 8, 2013 at 8:00 am
State Senator Brian Nieves. - via Facebook
via Facebook
State Senator Brian Nieves.

Missouri State Senator Brian Nieves, who received a lot of attention earlier this year for his bizarre leaked e-mails to a constituent, regularly vents about his liberal colleagues and online followers in an over-the-top manner. On his Facebook and Twitter accounts, he frequently writes commentary on Missouri politics -- with his characteristically wacky capitalizations and exclamation marks -- but one post over the weekend was so odd we couldn't ignore it.

And Nieves (or someone on his staff) apparently thought it was controversial enough to delete it soon after posting (*see update below). But fear not! Daily RFT has screenshots.

In this latest Facebook rant, the Republican lawmaker says Governor Jay Nixon is "b____ slapping" the Constitution and includes a repost of a photoshop job of Nixon as Batman...slapping Robin in the face.

See also: - Missouri Legislature Passes Bills Blocking Federal Gun Control, Sharia Law, U.N. - Brian Nieves' Senate Floor Outburst: "Are You Reporters Listening to This?" (VIDEO) - Brian Nieves Writes Insane E-Mails to Constituent Who Doesn't Want His Newsletters

It appears Nieves posted another user's photo with his own added message about the Democratic governor's recent vetoes of three bills Nieves had backed. One bill was aimed at blocking Islamic religious law in Missouri, which, Nixon and other critics argued, was not in any way a threat (and the law banning it could have damaging unintended consequences, the governor said). The second proposal was an effort to ban the enforcement of a non-binding United Nations sustainable development pledge from 1992, which, the governor argued, was also not a threat to Missouri.

The third bill, a proposal that earned Missouri national attention, was an effort to criminalize the enforcement of federal gun laws through a law that would have directly violated the United States Constitution.

Below are screenshots of Nieves' now-deleted Facebook posts from the weekend, courtesy of @ssnich:

The post was gone soon after it was posted, it appears. Nieves was specifically referencing Nixon's veto announcement on Friday regarding the bill to block federal gun laws, in which the governor emphasized that he has a track record of supporting the Second Amendment, but cannot support a bill that "seeks to resurrect the pre-Civil War concept of nullification would violate the Supremacy Clause."

Continue for more of Brian Nieves' Facebook commentary on the bills.