Die Hard Cards Fan: The Most Embarrassing Redbirds Fan Since "Get A Brain Morans" Guy?

May 13, 2010 at 3:54 pm
So I just stumbled upon this guy's website (observe the nipple rings) and I'm thinking to myself, "That's exactly why I don't go to Busch Stadium. I always sit next to someone like this."

Die Hard Cards Fan: The Most Embarrassing Redbirds Fan Since "Get A Brain Morans" Guy?
But then my second thought was, wait a second, could this guy be more of an embarrassment to Cardinals Nation than the "Get a Brain Morans" guy?

What do you think? Continue on to cast your vote and view more photos of Die Hard Cards Fan!

Bonus Material: Read Die Hard's incredible story of how he got into a drunken brawl with Cubs fans at Wrigley Field.

Hat tip to WalkOffWalk.com.