How Would You Describe Your Fashion Sense?

May 24, 2000 at 4:00 am
Dawn Rudy
Flight Attendant, Southwest Airlines

"It's my movie -- I'll wear whatever I want to wear. Wardrobe!"

Jun Sugitani
Electrical-Engineering Student, UM-St. Louis

"I'd call it 'secondhand.' I'm not a Tommy Hilfiger kind of guy. I think that clothes from thrift stores are a lot cooler than what you find at commercial clothing stores. Stuff from Salvation Army and the Missouri Council for the Blind, places where I shop, are cheap and for a good purpose. Plus, thrift stores are good because if you don't have any clean clothes and no time for laundry, you can go and find an outfit for 5 bucks."

Marc Lee
Gourmet Chef, Ritz-Carlton

"I grew up preppie -- you know, the polo shirt, oxford button-downs, plaid shorts -- but now I'm much more casual. You'll see me in shorts, T-shirt, more often sandals than tennis shoes. I wear minimal jewelry, no gold chains or medallions. And from time to time, and only on special occasions, I like to wear a T-shirt with a sport jacket over it, white cotton slacks and a pair of white slip-on sneakers. The Miami Vice look."

Darryl Becker
Tattooist, Custom Design Tattoo

"Dead, just dead."

Colleen McKee
Librarian/Performance Artist

"Well, in summer, I wear as little as I can get away with, and I wear black because it doesn't show dirt. I wouldn't dream of wearing a bra or high heels or anything that's tight. It's like bondage, only not sexual ... so what's the point?"

Todd Lannom
Co-owner, Centro

"Shoes -- it's all about shoes. People notice your shoes. You can have the best-looking outfit, and if you don't have the right shoes, it doesn't work. I get a lot of comments on my shoes, and I don't wear funky shoes or 'classic' penny loafers. I much prefer a sleeker shoe that's a little more uptown. If I never had to look at another kilted and tasseled loafer again, I'd be happy!"