John Prine ... Oh Boy ... Dan Reeder

Feb 4, 2009 at 7:40 am
John Prine comes to the Touhill February 27, which is a very good thing.

Unreal watches TV about as much as we go to the movies, but some of our most favorite friends are more culturally literate than we are.

So it was that we were treated to a first-season episode of Weeds, the Showtime series whose most redeeming-to-Unreal element is that it co-stars Saturday Night Live vet Kevin Nealon.

What, you ask, does this have to do with John Prine?

Only that the episode featured this catchy little ditty, by the minimalistically quirky expatriate songster Dan Reeder, whose label happens to be Prine's very own Oh Boy.

Warning: The number, appropriately titled "Work Song," is NSFW (unless you happen to W in the sort of place Unreal does).

For more Dan Reeder, visit his MySpace page, or better yet, buy his CDs.