Mayor Francis Slay Says Police Commissioner Vince Bommarito Made a Boo-Boo

Feb 18, 2010 at 11:02 am
Bommarito must do what's best for the board, says Hizzoner. - SLMPD
Bommarito must do what's best for the board, says Hizzoner.
In a long chat with Charles Jaco on The Big 550-KTRS just moments ago, St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay stopped short of calling for Vince Bommarito's resignation from the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department's Board of Commissioners.

But. Slay said Bommarito's special request to have his nephew let out of jail on Saturday night after being arrested for a DWI "casts a cloud over the integrity" of the police board.

The mayor also said he had a chat with Bommarito about his actions and has asked him to do what's best for the integrity of the department. 

The five-member board of commissioners, of which Slay is one, doesn't have the authority to remove Bommarito from his post.

It's up to Governor Jay Nixon, who has control of the board, to decide Bommarito's fate.

The incident came to light after police chief Dan Isom penned a letter to the board (see below) which decried Bommarito's actions.

In the radio interview with Jaco, Slay commended Isom for having "the guts to bring this forward."
Isom Letter to Police Board