New Wash U Ban Also Outlaws Outdoor Smoking

Aug 25, 2010 at 11:20 am
Chad posted the news earlier this morning that Clayton has banned smoking outdoors in the municipality's parks and public properties, but he failed to mention that there's at least one other open-air place in St. Louis where lighting up is now off-limits.

That would be Washington University, which passed a comprehensive smoking ban in April 2009. The policy took effect in July, but fall classes start August 31 so the school is just starting to deal with nicotine-addicted undergrads looking for a place to get their fix.

One solution actually includes giving students free access to the patch.

Via today's edition of Student Life:
According to Dr. Betsy Foy, assistant director of Student Health Services (SHS), resources are available to help them quit if they choose to do so. "SHS is making readily available to students smoking cessation services either at Student Health Services or students can look at the Aetna Health Insurance Page and will find the phone number to call for smoking cessation assistance," Foy said.

Services available include counseling and selected medications and nicotine replacements, available free of charge.
Too bad Clayton isn't offering the same for the small horde of stressed out lawyers and businessmen now sneaking their smokes somewhere other than the parking lot or the park.