The great thing, of course, is he called all his previews, "Why the 2009 ________ Will Suck". Of course, as we now have rather definitive proof the Cardinals do not, in fact, suck in 2009, while the Cubbies kinda sorta do, I thought to myself, "Oh, this is just too great. I'll read this and make fun of the guy, 'cause that's what we Cardinal fans do to Cub fans. Same as they do to us. World without end, amen."
So imagine my surprise, nay, my horror, when I read the article in question and started in on the comments. Why horror, you ask? Because I discovered that not only had a bunch of Cardinal fans already gotten there before me and made fun of the author of the article, but almost none of them were funny or clever. Hell, few of them were even spelled correctly.
I can't tell you how upset I was by this, to discover so many of
my fellow Cardinal fans acting like such rabid douchebags. What the
hell, guys? Aren't we better than this? Or at least a little funnier?
Ugh. Terrible. Just terrible. So I'm issuing
a call to all of you out there in Cardinal Nation: please, don't be a
douchebag. The whole Best Fans in Baseball thing is a crock, if you ask
me, but we have to be at least smarter than Cubs fans. We just have to.
me out here, folks. Please. Our reputation is at stake. I want everyone
to head over to Bleacher Nation and help heap scorn on Ace's head.
However, I need it to be high-quality abuse, not the sort of garden
variety, "Your team sucks cocks and you sucks cocks and your family
also sucks cocks," abuse I can get anywhere. This needs to be good
You have your mission. Now let's make this thing happen.