RNC For Life Abortion Scorecard Released

Oct 4, 2010 at 3:17 pm
Raped? Too bad, says Schlafly.
Raped? Too bad, says Schlafly.
Raped? Too bad, says Schlafly.
National Congressional candidates -- including plenty in Missouri -- who think women who've been raped should be forced to carry their pregnancies to term have earned money and plaudits from heavy-hitting local conservatives.

The Alton, Illinois, based Republican National Coalition for Life, a pro-life group founded by St. Louis native and anti-feminist icon Phyllis Schlafly, has released its findings after polling Republican Congressional candidates nationwide on their views about abortion.

A half-dozen Missouri candidates got the group's seal of approval in the form of cash, endorsement or both from the group's political action committee, among 73 nationwide. In order to get the okay, candidates had to agree unequivocally with the RNC For Life's platform.

To gain endorsement, candidates had to answer yes to the question "Do you accept the scientific fact that a human being comes into existence at fertilization?" Candidates who got approval also agreed that women should be forced to bear a fetus to term even in the case of rape, incest, or dire harm to the woman's health.

Candidates were asked if they'd reject any funding for abortion "in any 'universal,' mandatory or taxpayer-subsidized health care plan" and if they'd reject taxpayer funding for surgical abortions, medical abortions and the morning-after pill, which the questionnaire untruthfully categorized as an "abortion-causing drug."

The six Missouri All Stars who think women shouldn't be trusted to make decisions about their own health:

Roy Blunt, Todd Akin, Ed Martin, Vicky Hartzler, Jacob Turk and Blaine Luetkemeyer.