Thus Concludes The Coolest July St. Louis Has Ever Known

Jul 31, 2009 at 1:00 pm
Thus Concludes The Coolest July St. Louis Has Ever Known
uploaded by Uncle Pilot to the RFT Flickr Pool

But seriously though, through last night we were averaging 75.7 degrees. In St. Louis. In July. Maybe global warming isn't so bad after all.

Here's the full July weather history plus the kick-ass forecast for the first weekend in August

click to enlarge Thus Concludes The Coolest July St. Louis Has Ever Known

And this weekend's forecast from
Thus Concludes The Coolest July St. Louis Has Ever Known
Seattle, meanwhile, just experienced the hottest day and (week) in the city's history, a humid 104-degree scorcher that had ex-pats comparing it to the summer weather in these parts. Not sure how Seattle and St. Louis traded summer weather, but here's guessing former Mariners GM Bill Bavasi was involved. Too bad we couldn't get them to throw Ichiro into the deal too.