What Once Held Allure for You but No Longer Does?

Week of January 17, 2001

Jan 17, 2001 at 4:00 am
Darin McGill
Student, University of California-Berkeley

"Particle physics. I thought it was a field that would clarify things. Instead, I discovered, the more I learned, the more complicated things became. I was initially turned on to the romance of it, but once I started an internship, I found that the actual process of doing particle physics was just as dirty and politics-filled as anything else -- as to be expected, now that I look back. Every field has its own form of drudgery."

Sarah Jones
Bartender, the Edge

"The nightlife. Something about turning 40 -- I'd rather be at home with my son, cooking a good meal, than out on the town."

Bruce Butler
Owner, Big River Radio Inc.

"Maybe spinner bait, but never a lure."

Gerald William Schantz

"A lot of things once held allure, but when you get to be my age, 69, you can't handle it all. I've been married three times, and I still like to converse with a lady, but I'm not thinking of the sexual part anymore."

Javier Parada
Socialist/Co-owner, Subterranean Books

"Science fiction. At one time, I devoured it. It wasn't until college that I encountered Chekhov, Joyce and other "serious' writers. When I went back to science fiction, the writing didn't seem as rich -- Philip K. Dick excepted. To me, the more complex life gets, the more you want to read books that address real issues rather than escaping into the imaginative life."

Michelle Lahman
Supervisor, Old Navy

"In high school, I went through the grunge phase -- used to wear flannel shirts and baggy jeans all the time. I didn't care about anything except Pearl Jam and Nirvana. It drove my parents crazy. I was naïve, and I wanted to fit in. I finally decided to move on and do my own thing. Phases come in and go out, but you have to realize what's always going to be there, and it's your family. That's what's important."