Would You Go Out With Someone Twice Your Age?

Week of May 30, 2001

May 30, 2001 at 4:00 am
Jynette Lewis
Wig and Makeup Intern, Opera Theatre of St. Louis
"Maybe. I can understand women wanting to date older men. But someone twice my age, I think I'd be a little thrown off. I mean, what would I have to offer? And him? He's either settled in his life or he's going through a midlife crisis. Maybe someone 10 years older. Forty, that's too far away."

Selmir Mustedanagic
Escort, Acme Escort Services
"Yeah, sure -- why not? I'd say any decent woman from the early to mid-40s. They're more mature, and if you are nice to them and treat them good, they're very appreciative -- not like these snotty younger women who're so full of themselves."

Jean Schuh
Administrative Assistant, May Co.
"Yeah, I would ... oh, wait a minute -- he would be 88. There are no sexy 88-year-old guys. Except Mr. Burns. I'll go out with Mr. Burns from The Simpsons."

Dwane Farr
Sales, China Impressions
"Oh yeah, I've done that. I was 22. He was 42. And it wasn't like he was an old man -- he was young at heart. It's no problem, as long as you can get along, and maybe you can teach each other something along the way, because he taught me a lot about art and classical music."

Jonathan Burdick
Web Architect
"If she's a Barbie-doll rocket scientist, the answer is yes. I won't discriminate on the basis of age -- only on the basis of looks and brains."

Mike Morrissey
Network Specialist
"Absolutely, if it's the right woman. I know there's probably a couple of hot 58-year-olds out there. Ever since I saw Raquel Welch in Fantastic Voyage, I thought I'd like to jump her bones. I'd still have sex with her to this day, and she's got to be twice my age. I couldn't marry a woman that old -- that'd be crazy -- but I could go out with her."