Local Motion: Clownvis Presley

10 p.m. Wednesday, January 24. Way Out Club (2525 South Jefferson Avenue).

Elvis Presley is dead, but his ghost is alive and shakin' his polyester-covered ass all over town in the form of Clownvis Presley, the side project and alter-ego of 7 Shot Screamers frontman Mike Leahy (who, naturally, dresses and acts like Elvis, but has the painted face and sly demeanor of a circus clown). Clownvis is an old-time "song-and-dance guy," a true performer who will do anything for a laugh; he's just as likely to sing as he is to pull a string of handkerchiefs out of his nose. This week he's debuting a vaudeville-type show at the Way Out Club: In addition to performing impressive Elvis covers in a bedazzled white jumper, Clownvis will play host to a variety of guests, including burlesque dancers, bands, singers and comedians.