Heroes Unmasked, and Then Some

It is the comic-book industry's dirty little secret: Wonder Woman's bustier? Black Canary's fishnets and heels? Catwoman's bodysuit? As every pubescent geek knows and none will admit, those outfits were designed for reasons unrelated to their crime-fighting efficacy. Now the Randy Dandies present a comics-themed burlesque show to drag these unspoken desires out of the long boxes. Performers of both sexes show off their secret identities in the Uncanny Dandies: A Comic Strip, an evening of (un)costumed burlesque that definitely wouldn't earn the Comics Code Seal of Approval. For those who crave a memento of the evening, comic store par excellence Star Clipper provides attendance prizes. The Uncanny Dandies: A Comic Strip swings into action at 10 p.m. this evening at the Fox Hole (4140 Manchester Avenue; 314-322-3085). Admission is $10, and this is a 21-and-older show, for obvious reasons. Call 314-322-3085 for reservations.
Fri., May 28, 2010