In the Still Epiphany

When you turned ten, perhaps you were honored with a trip to Chuck E. Cheese's and the gift of a cool new bike or your first guitar. That’s if you’re Brendan or Britney Everykid. If you’re the Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts (3716 Washington Boulevard; 314-754-1850 or on the other hand, your tenth birthday demands a different style of celebration -- with no Chuck E. Cheesed-off parents brawling over the unfair distribution of pepperoni and/or other perceived slights. The Pulitzer, housed in its serene (less fighting, more Zen equilibrium!), Tadao Ando-designed sheath of high-concept concrete, is marking its tenth anniversary with a special exhibit, In the Still Epiphany. The show is comprised of nearly 50 pieces of art culled from the private collection of Emily and Joseph Pulitzer, Jr. and is curated by noted New York artist Gedi Sibony. Among the works on display will be paintings by Picasso, Matisse and Vuillard. In the Still Epiphany will run Wednesdays and Saturdays through October 27.
Thu., April 5; Wednesdays, Saturdays. Starts: April 5. Continues through Oct. 27, 2012