Sing for the 'Flag

The art community in St. Louis is lovely and cozy, but can be a little insular at times. White Flag Projects (4568 Manchester Boulevard; 314-531-3442 or began seven years ago as a way to connect St. Louis to the greater art resources of the nation, and overseas as well. To celebrate its success, the gallery hosts its Inaugural Gala & Benefit Auction tonight at 6 p.m. (tickets are $500 to $7500), featuring art contributions from Ernest Trova, Eva Lundsager, Brandon Anschultz, Amy Granat and numerous other friends of the gallery. The auction helps to sustain the gallery and its ongoing mission, but the proceeds from the event will be evenly distributed among the participating artists and the gallery itself. If you'd like to participate in the festivities without making such a substantial contribution, come by the gallery from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. and get your "Don't Stop Believin'" on at the Karaoke After Party. Admission to that is a mere $20, and it comes with an open bar and all the public singing you can handle. That open bar makes it a 21-and-older event, however.
Sat., Nov. 3, 2012