Budweiser Has 15 New Baby Clydesdales and They're Ready for Visits

They're about as cute as it gets

May 7, 2024 at 11:42 am
Budweiser has welcomed more than a dozen new foals this year.
Budweiser has welcomed more than a dozen new foals this year. WARM SPRINGS RANCH
Move over, baby zebra. Baby tiger triplets? You're yesterday's news.

Budweiser had no fewer than 15 baby Clydesdales born this winter and spring, and they're ready to show them off for the first time this weekend. There's just one catch: You have to drive to Boonville.

The foals (no, "baby Clydesdales" is sadly not the correct term for these little cuties) currently reside at Warm Springs Ranch, which is just a bit west of Columbia. The 300-acre ranch serves as Budweiser's breeding facility and opened in 2008.

The ranch regularly offers tours and public events, and this weekend, it's doing something new called the Mane Event: Spring Training. It's your chance to watch the Clydesdales train for their wagon duties ... a.k.a. the Hitch.
click to enlarge Budweiser foals

We're told the foals currently are a range of sizes. Some were born in January and are already 300 pounds or so; the younger ones are just three weeks old. But don't expect to see anyone take their first steps: Clydesdales are born weighing 150 pounds or so and can walk from day one — two qualities that your mom is likely thrilled weren't part of the deal for your infancy.

Tickets start at $30; book yours online here.

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