Giant Organic Egg Farms Come Under Fire

Oct 5, 2010 at 7:00 am

Not all organic eggs are created equal. Mother Jones looks at organic factory egg farms, which have been investigated by the Cornucopia Institute, an organic foods advocacy group. They've filed a complaint against farms for violating organic standards, and exposes the eleven major organic egg producers that have opposed outdoor access for chickens.

Ten Jimmy John's sandwich shops in Minneapolis and St. Paul consider unionization. CityPages (our sister publication in the Twin Cities) reports that the shops have been in talks with National Labor Relations Board about forming a union. If they succeed, Jimmy John's will be the first fast food company to form a union. Employees cite typical fast food employment issues - no sick leave or health benefits and erratic hours. They started the process four years ago, but employee turn-over has made unionization slow.

It's over, bacon. The Wall Street Journal says that ever-present bacon on menus is wearing thin. Reporter Katy McLaughlin examines why the bacon trend went viral, why chefs are tiring of it, and what flavors might be the next food fetish.

Still have candy corn from last Halloween? Let it go. A University of Kansas study, reported by WIBW, lists the shelf life of candy. Fadi Aramouni, professor of food science, said, "It is OK to throw away old candy.. "Don't feel compelled to eat it. It's mostly empty calories after all."