This Week in Gut Check, Regurgitated

Oct 2, 2009 at 5:30 pm
Another week, another new column. (Just one more new column to introduce, by the way.) We welcomed the Beertender this week. Check it out, if you haven't already. We also heard news on Niche and Pi, paid a visit to Anthony Devoti of Five and celebrated the St. Louis Rams waiting tables and the first Midtown Street Fest with pictures.

Oh -- and there was that whole Best of St. Louis 2009 thing.

What else happened this week?
Throwback of the House said to hell with it and microwaved aluminum foil.

A rare failure for the Sneak.

The Noble Writ doesn't believe in great vintages.

The Novice Foodie conquered apple pie.

Farmers' Market Share also cooked with apples, Indian-style.

Java Enabled shared a postcard from Costa Rica.

The Dive Bomber got a lesson at Hilltop Inn.

A Table for How Many visited the Shaved Duck.

Sweet Scout discovered many new flavors of gooey butter cake.
That's it for this week. Next week: An overdue review and much more.

Have a great weekend. Eat something good.