This Week in Gut Check, Regurgitated

May 21, 2010 at 5:00 pm

This week, two St. Louis breweries had us all abuzz. O'Fallon Brewery's new O'Fallon Hemp Hop Rye hit the store shelves, and Dave Nelson hit the bottle in the name of research. Schlafly Beer, meanwhile, launched the Schlafly Beer App for smart phones. Be sure to check out Robin Wheeler and Andrew Veety's take on the features and usability.

What else did we do this week?


Set our DVRs for May 31, when St. Louis' Kerry Soraci of I Scream Cakes appears on the new Cooking Channel.
Put Atlantic Swordfish back on the table.
St. Louis Craft-Brew Canned Beer duked it out in Fight Club Sandwich.
The Dive Bomber checked in at Stan's Bar.
Chef's Choice chatted with Lou Rook III of Annie Gunn's.
That's it for this week. Have a great weekend. Eat something good.