Tidbits from Bevo Mill: Mariachi's II, Ciao Restaurant

Jul 5, 2012 at 2:00 pm
Tidbits from Bevo Mill: Mariachi's II, Ciao Restaurant
Ian Froeb

A reader alerted Gut Check to Mariachi's II, a new Mexican restaurant opening at 4625 Gravois Avenue in Bevo Mill, which has sat vacant since Laganini Pizzeria & Restaurant shuttered over a year ago.

The URL on the restaurant's signage leads to the website of the Metro East restaurant Mariachi's (400 South Illinois Street, Belleville, Illinois; 618-236-9492) and a sister restaurant (2922 North Center Street, Maryville, Illinois; 618-288-6300). Oddly, employees at both Illinois locations weren't aware of the new location. (The owner wasn't available today.)

Signage is also up at 4534 Gravois Avenue for Ciao Restaurant Bar & Grill. Not much more to report on this venture except that a Suad Koldzic is its registered agent with the Missouri Secretary of State's office and that, according to a sing outside the restaurant, there will be a public hearing related to it next week.

The address was recently home to two short-lived ventures: The Wicked Lady Pub followed by The Parlour.

More on both new ventures as we learn it.