Win a $15 Gift Certificate to Taqueria Durango!

Apr 15, 2011 at 9:00 am
click to enlarge Win a $15 Gift Certificate to Taqueria Durango!
Robin Wheeler

Gut Check likes to reward its loyal readers, and since reading about food all day is likely to make one hungry, it only makes sense that we'd feed you!

This week, Robin checked out a couple of local horseshoe joints, and pitted them up against each other in a Fight Club Sandwich.

All you have to do to win $15 at Taqueria Durango is tell us who was victorious in this epic battle. Who says there's no such thing as a free lunch?

Rules: To be eligible, you must leave a valid e-mail address in the comment-entry field. One guess per e-mail address. Employees of the Riverfront Times are not eligible.