Arch Rival Roller Girls Seek Local Music for Championship Event; RFT Music Offers Suggestions

Feb 4, 2014 at 4:13 am
Arch Rival Roller Girls Seek Local Music for Championship Event; RFT Music Offers Suggestions
Brian Villa

Local roller derby league Arch Rival Roller Girls (a.k.a. ARRG) has grown wildly since its inception in 2005. For a second time, the league wants to incorporate the local community that has helped it flourish into its biggest event by playing St. Louis artists' music at its season championship on March 7 at Chaifetz Arena. Thus, ARRG is asking local musicians to submit their songs. "The basics are: Music must be unlicensed, or we need permission from the license holder," writes Carrie Carpenter, who skates under the name Shimmy Hoffa. "We will only use the music at the event. They will mostly be used as a soundtrack for the event, but we might use a few tracks for team intros, etc."

Interested parties can submit their work to [email protected], along with this required signed waiver. Songs must be radio/family friendly and be submitted by February 22. This one-time use of the music will not net its licenser any royalties, but songs will be played in full as the bout is played, and announcers are quick to remind attendees that all songs are from local artists. In other words, don't expect any 30-second snippets that cut off abruptly as the action starts, like at a Blues game.

We at RFT Music decided to give ARRG a boost by picking 50 of our favorite local workout jams for their bout. We picked fast-paced, loud songs that get our blood pumping, so despite their great artistic merit you won't see anything from artists like Phaseone or Cassie Morgan here. Bonus points were awarded for songs that have lyrics/titles that can be viewed through a derby paradigm. To the best of our abilities, we adhered to the family-friendly criteria and stayed away from anything that might be tricky licensing-wise, so no big shots like Chuck Berry (not that he'll ever hurt for exposure anyway). Defunct bands were eligible -- though active bands in need of promotion should get more consideration, great tunes should not be forgotten. Finally, we stuck with one song per act, even though many groups have several good skating songs.

The great thing about the event is that it actually features two bouts, both with intermissions, so even this long list won't fill all the allotted time. So please tell us what we missed, or better yet, get your favorite artists to submit their songs to ARRG.


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