Dramatic Readings of Black Kids lyrics, Partie Traumatic

Jul 30, 2008 at 12:00 pm

The Black Kids are one of the more hyped bands around the Internet right now. Hailing from Jacksonville, Florida, the co-ed quintet combines lush '80s synthpop, schoolyard hip-hop sass, golden-age soul and girl-group pizzazz. Nevertheless, critical reaction to the band's debut CD, Partie Traumatic, has been somewhat-muted. Pitchfork gave the album a 3.3 -- and the entire review consisted of a picture of two cute pugs along with the phrase "Sorry :-/"

Perhaps the lukewarm reaction stems from the album's lyrics, which range from puzzling ("This jungle is massive, so please don't be so passive.") to groan-worthy ("Knock, knock. Who's there? Call the ghost in your underwear. Call the ghost in your underwear who? Call the ghost in your underwear 'boo.'"). After perusing the lyric booklet and noticing how, shall we say, overdramatic some of the phrases were, I had the bright idea of enlisting some of my talented RFT co-workers to help interpret them. Here are four dramatic readings, for your enjoyment.

-- Annie Zaleski

"I Wanna Be Your Limousine":

"Hit the Heartbrakes":

"Partie Traumatic": (processing, but sooo worth it, trust me)

"Listen to Your Body Tonight":