Nine Inch Nails New "Album," Strobe Light

Apr 1, 2009 at 12:04 pm

Say what you will about Trent Reznor, but the man has a sense of humor. He released a jokey "new album" a bit ago via Twitter, called Strobe Light. It's a very obvious -- but subtle -- satire on pop/hip-hop crossovers (and perhaps a slight dig at Chris Cornell, whose recent album was produced by Timbaland and who Reznor recently called out via a Tweet). Either way, the "album" has song titles such as "pussygrinder (featuring sheryl crow)," "black t-shirt," "everybody's doing it (featuring chris martin, jay-z AND bono)" and "on the list (she's not)." The cover art is Kanye-esque, but since there's a big "do not steal!" warning under it, you'll just have to click over here to view it.