R.I.P. Doug Fieger of the Knack

Feb 15, 2010 at 12:24 pm
click to enlarge R.I.P. Doug Fieger of the Knack
Doug Fieger, second from left

News that's not entirely expected, although still sad: Doug Fieger, front man of the Knack, died yesterday of cancer. He was 57. Fieger has been fighting cancer for about five years, and has had countless brain surgeries. About a month ago, the Detroit News ran a moving piece featuring an interview with Fieger and his lawyer brother, Geoffrey, in which the musician was pragmatic about the future:

"Everybody is in the same spot," Doug Fieger says. He's on the phone from his home in Southern California, and his voice is soft. "I just know there is something that will potentially end my time here."

The Knack's best-known song is "My Sharona," which found new life in the movie Reality Bites. View it -- and a vintage band performance of the song -- below.