Robert Pollard's Boston Spaceships

8 p.m. Friday, October 10. The Bluebird, 2706 Olive Street.

Oct 8, 2008 at 4:00 am

It's a fair guess that Robert Pollard named his latest project Boston Spaceships in honor of the bubble-domed spacecraft emblazoned on the front of the first two albums by arena-rock gods Boston. And while Pollard never wrote anything as anthemic as "More Than a Feeling" when he led Guided By Voices (though "Game of Pricks" comes close), the sheer number of songs the man has turned out is epic. Since disbanding GBV in 2004, Pollard has kept his obsessive fans sated with new material and recorded under several guises with several collaborators. Boston Spaceships is a trio comprised of Pollard, ex-GBV bassist Chris Slusarenko and current Decemberists drummer John Moen. Its first album, Brown Submarine, contains all the elements that make Pollard a certified pop genius: jangly guitars, lo-fi production values and Pollard's impossible-to-parse lyrics, sung with the conviction of a bona fide indie-rock lifer.