She Likes Rough Sex and It Scares Me. Help!

Sep 19, 2013 at 6:19 am

Welcome to Ask Willie D, where the Geto Boys MC answers reader questions about matters, in his own words, "funny, serious or unpredictable." Something on your mind? Ask Willie D!

Photo courtesy of Peter Beste
Photo courtesy of Peter Beste


I started wearing makeup when I was 12 years old and have been glopping the stuff on ever since. I started when I got my first five pimples, which came at the same time. I couldn't stand looking at them, so I covered my face with makeup to hide them. I couldn't walk out the house without makeup. Later I wore makeup to look older so the older guys would like me. Now that I'm in my late thirties, I wear makeup to conceal the little small imperfections of aging.

I hate having to rely on makeup. I can't count the times I've been late for events or almost had a wreck because I was applying it in my car while driving. I'm so used to wearing makeup that if I go to the Subway sandwich restaurant two minutes from my house I have to have on lip gloss, eyeliner, foundation the whole works. I'm sick of falling asleep with my makeup on and waking up to smeared pillowcases because I didn't want to spend the time taking off my makeup before I got into bed.

For a long time I wore it because it made me feel confident. I'm over that stage now, but I still can't stop caking my face with that crap. My boyfriend has told me that I look better without makeup but it's hard to change a habit that I've been living with for over 25 years. How do I end this messy addiction?

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Makeup Junkie:

I would suggest that you start using less and less makeup each day. For example: you could stop wearing eyeliner. Then wait a few days and stop wearing lip gloss and so on. Some women and young girls like wearing makeup because to them it's a creative experience. If makeup is being used to hide scars or pimples, that's understandable too. But using makeup as a security blanket is utterly unnecessary; especially when you're already smoking hot!


I just started going to a new high school and nobody will talk to me. When I go to lunch I feel isolated and alone because I have to sit by myself. I'm a nice guy but my school is cliquish and if you're not a jock, a cheerleader, a goth, a nerd, a punker or something like that they won't talk to you. It's all so silly to me. I don't want to be put in a box but I don't what to be an outcast either. What can I do to be accepted by the in-crowd?

Isolated And Alone:

I remember those days: showing up at a new school, not knowing anybody and sitting alone at lunch. Next time on your way to lunch find someone you share a class with and strike up a conversation about a school subject, music or something you think he or she might be interested in. Stand behind them in line and after you get your food just follow them to the table where they're sitting.

If it feels a little awkward say something like, "You don't mind me joining you, do you?" If you're already communicating with them I can't see them having a problem with it. The best thing you can do to help yourself is to be yourself. Who knows, you might attract a few followers yourself. Cliques are started by people who stand out, not by those who stand in.

More Willie D advice on the next page.