The Ten Best/Worst Dressed Juggalos at the Anybody Killa/Blaze Ya Dead Homie Show

Mar 8, 2013 at 11:25 am

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Number Six

This man's wardrobe / drink choices simply do not work in tandem with one another. Here's my prediction for the five minutes that immediately followed this photo being taken.

Bandanna-face goes to take a sip of one of the beers he is two-fisting, when he realizes he must first get the piece of cloth out of the way of his mouth in order to provide safe passage for the alcohol. Not wanting to set either one down, he attempts to pull his bandanna off with his drinks still in hand, spilling beer onto himself. Reacting from the cold liquid, he jerks his arm back, moving his shoulders and causing the jacket he has simply perched on himself to fall on the now-beer soaked floor. Frustrated, Bandanna-face sets both beers down, removes his mask, and picks up his wet jacket, disheartened and now entirely costume-less. And then some other wicked clown probably comes along and screams "Whoop whoop" in his face. I hear juggalos do that kind of a lot.

Number Five

Now THIS kid is looking good. Carefully applied makeup, a half a can of hairspray, sweet bandanna (on his HEAD, not face) all comes together nicely. But he looks like he's maybe fourteen, so we are assuming his mom pulled this outfit together for him.