Breaking News: More St. Louis Adults Use the Post-Dispatch Than Go To Dentists

Mar 20, 2009 at 12:27 pm
click to enlarge Prediction: This peppy-colored paint will save the newspaper business
Prediction: This peppy-colored paint will save the newspaper business
Post-Dispatch publisher Kevin Mowbray wasn't jokin' about cranking up the moxie within the hallowed but dour halls of the local daily.

The paper's employees showed up to work yesterday to find that a crew of elves had repainted some hallways with peppy-colored paint, planted balloons and strung banners throughout the newsroom, and filled e-mail inboxes with "MOXIE-grams."

Apparently today everyone arrived to find their computers decked out with new "MOXIE"-themed screen-savers.


A paper that's losing its metro section, furloughing and laying off workers is now trying to pump up staff with cheery "facts" like, "More St. Louis adults use the St. Louis Post-Dispatch or in a week than visit a dentist in an entire year"? See it for yourself, after the jump.

'Nuff said.
'Nuff said.