Bully Mom Whips St. Charles Into a Library Frenzy

Rachel Homolak insists she formed an angry mob on behalf of the children

Jun 23, 2023 at 10:51 am
click to enlarge Rachel Homolak in full dudgeon. - SCREENSHOT VIA stltoday.com
SCREENSHOT VIA stltoday.com
Rachel Homolak in full dudgeon.

When an overwrought suburban mom spots a librarian across a book-filled room, and the librarian is wearing both a goatee and nail polish and (heaven forbid!) makeup, what’s a mom to do? Well, if you’re a bully, you immediately clutch your pearls, grab your traumatized child to your bosom — and then round up a lynch mob to burn the witch!

That’s pretty much what one Rachel Homolak did a few weeks ago in St. Charles, and she hasn't let go of the bully pulpit since. She even showed up to a library board meeting in what she claimed was a "replica" of the librarian's attire, sporting a fake goatee to bring awareness to the dangers faced by local children if someone doesn't take action. 

click to enlarge At a previous library board meeting, Rachel Homolak indulged in gender-nonconforming librarian cosplay, claiming she was wearing a "replica" of the offending attire in order to show its dangers to children. It was ... odd. - SCREENSHOT VIA stltoday.com
SCREENSHOT VIA stltoday.com
At a previous library board meeting, Rachel Homolak indulged in gender-nonconforming librarian cosplay, claiming she was wearing a "replica" of the offending attire in order to show its dangers to children. It was ... odd.
Homolak's efforts have now escalated to the point that the mob has several hundred members, and they’re haranguing the library board for hours on end, until said board has no choice but to shut down public comment and suggest people send emails instead. Bet those are coherent!

Speakers at the June 20 meeting, per the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, included Francis Howell School Board member Jane Puszkar, who accused the nameless librarian of “wanting to harm our children by exposing them to things they don’t understand,” as well as pardoned criminal Mark McCloskey, who said the library had books akin to child pornography. He did not offer specifics. By the time McCloskey spoke, the room was in such a frenzy that half of the attendees walked out to protest the idea of someone from distant St. Louis being allowed to speak.

So, Rachel, you incited an increasingly unhinged mob, you’re now (briefly) famous and you got to torment a librarian for the audacity of wearing a little rouge and lipstick. Feel better now? We doubt it; bullies seldom do.

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